Two strategies that increase organic reach on social media

These two strategies are the most crucial to reach more of your target audience organically on social media.

 In this week's episode:

  • Now, more than ever before is the time to KNOW and SERVE your audience!
  • People buy FROM you because OF you!    ~ Bonnie L Frank
  • Give your audience what they want.
  • I detail five types of social media posts in the episode.
  • The 80/20 rule (detailed in the episode) is key to reaching your target audience online and having them engage with your content.
  • The 80/20 rule builds your know, like, and trust factor with your audience.
  • 80% of my social media content includes inspiration, motivation, healthy recipes, self care, gratitude journal writing, morning routine, books I'm reading, etc.

Mentioned in this episode:

This week's challenge:

Get in on the Business Fabulous Social Media Cafe and gain access to hundreds of social media strategies, video tutorials, step-by-step pdfs and much...

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EASY, proven and FREE strategies to gain online business visibility without ever leaving your home

You don't need to go to major conferences to be visible online and grow your brand! Here are four simple and proven ways to do it, free, without leaving home.

In this week's episode:

  • The number one rule to gaining online visibility is to be where your audience is online. If you're unsure, google "social media demographics" and look at the data for the platforms you enjoy using most. 
  • Facebook has approximately 2.8 billion people, so your audience is likely on there.
  • LinkedIn is all business all the time, so if you have a business you should have a daily presence there. 
  • Use one or two hashtags for each social media post (up to 30 for Instagram), including a branded hashtag and one topical one.
  • You cannot own a hashtag, but you can dominate it.
  • The easiest and fastest way to get noticed by experts or others in your industry is to be a helpful audience member in the chat of livestream broadcasts. I detail many ways to do this in the episode including greeting the host(s),...
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Looking back on 2019: Lessons in Scaling an Online Business, Sales, and Empowerment

2019 was a year of many first for me and some very hard lessons about scaling my online business, sales, and empowerment.

In this week's episode:

  • The past year was the first year I'd ever lived on my own and learned a lot about tax write-offs.
  • I attended and spoke at more conferences in 2019 than ever before.
  • I'm speaking on social media at Podfest 2020.
  • I'm speaking on podcasting at MDMC 2020.
  • I launched two different podcasts this year, Business Fabulous and Work Your Podcast.
  • I also launched my Business Fabulous brand and Business Fabulous Facebook group.
  • I learned a lot about scaling a business, hiring (and firing) a team this year and about operating in my Zone of Genius for optimal success (lots of details in the episode).

Mentioned in this episode:

 This week's challenge:

Looking back on your year and reflecting on the things you've accomplished is...

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5 things that online coaching programs don't do but should and how to really grow a business

People invest a lot of money in online coaching programs, courses, masterminds, etc. and often have little to show for it. Here are five things that your coaching program should have so you aren't' left with buyer's remorse.

Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online and buying from you and really grow your business by leaps and bounds, you want to be here! 

Wanna chat? Grab a free 20-minute Business Breakthrough session here or chat about ways to monetize your podcast here.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss an episode!

Note: This episode was taken from a Facebook Live broadcast.

In this weeks' episode:

Many online coaching programs have great marketing...and little meat. Here are five things I think should absolutely be included in any coaching program. Each of these is detailed in full in the episode.

  1. How to create Ideal Client Avatar, Target...
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Six things people do (and I didn't) to start a podcast and why my podcast is successful anyway

There are six things that many people seem to do when they start a podcast, but I chose to not do any of them. Find out why and how my podcast is successful anyway in episode 21 of the Business Fabulous podcast. 

In this week's episode:

  • "Launch" in terms of podcasting really means that you click the "publish" button and put your podcast out into the world to be heard; however, it's also used to refer to a detailed, usually lengthy collection of things to do, marketing and events leading up to you actually clicking the publish button. I didn't do a formal launch, hire a launch coach or anything else I was told I needed to do.
  • "New and Noteworthy" for Apple podcasts is like getting on the first page of Google. It definitely gets you noticed and will likely get you a lot of new listens; however, This doesn't do anything for your charting around the world, subscribers in your target audience, downloads or your bank account.
  • Write a book and use your podcast to promo your book. I...
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How I tripled my podcast downloads in only 30 days

The Business Fabulous podcast is growing by leaps and bounds! In Episode 16, I detail the exact eight steps I took to triple my podcast downloads in only 30 days. Whether you have a podcast or not, you can use these steps to grow your visibility online!

Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online and buying from you and really grow your business by leaps and bounds, you want to be here! 

Wanna chat? Grab a free 20-minute Business Breakthrough session here or chat about ways to monetize your podcast here.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss an episode!

In this weeks' episode:

  • I track all of my "numbers" (my analytics) each week. I track the number of social media followers I have on each platform, subscribers, connections, downloads, website traffic, and more so that I can see progress, growth, patterns, etc.
  • I knew I'd double my podcast downloads in...
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How long it really takes people to consume your website content and all-things bounce rate

Do you really know how long it takes people to consume content on your website? In this week's episode of Business Fabulous, we dive into that with a case study and look at all-things bounce rate and how to improve yours. 

Wanna chat? Grab a free 20-minute Business Breakthrough session here or chat about ways to monetize your podcast here.

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

Mentioned in this episode

Business Fabulous Academy

Bounce Rate infographic

In this weeks' episode:

  • Your website is the place where you provide the most amount of value to your target audience.
  • The longer people are on your website, the more likely they are to consume your content and opt in for your freebies
  • It's important to attract, compel and convert your website visitors.
  • You have 3-5 seconds to convince a website visitor to stay on your website and consume content.
  • When they leave your website, they "bounce" off it.
  • Bounce Rate =...
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25 Ways to repurpose one podcast episode for more subscribers, increased downloads, and greater social media reach

In this episode of the Business Fabulous podcast, I describe 25 different ways to repurpose one podcast episode and increase subscribers, downloads and social media reach.

Remember to sign up for a free 20-minute Business Breakthrough session here or chat about ways to monetize your podcast here.

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

Mentioned in this episode:



Ecamm Live





In this weeks' episode:

  • Livestreaming (creating a live video broadcast) your podcast allows you many different ways to repurpose your podcast episode--or any content.
  • Your audience really will want to see your tech, your podcasting set up and a behind-the-scenes look at how you do what you do.
  • You need to use third-party software (, Crowdcast or Wirecast) when you simulcast to Facebook and anything else.
  • Do NOT go against Facebook's (or any platform) Terms of Service,
  • I'm a...
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Get raving fans and increased sales with social media

In this episode, I give you five simple strategies to get raving fans (that free advertising!) and increase sales on social media.

Remember to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to grow your business here or monetize your podcast here.

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

The #1 reason people have trouble getting raving fans and increasing sales is that they're trying to "do business" on personal social media accounts.

  • Businesses use business accounts on social media.
  • Business accounts offer free metrics (a.k.a. Analytics and Insights) that show you exactly who consumes your content, when they consume it, which posts drive the most traffic and much more!
  • It's easy to create business accounts or change a personal account to a business account (I detail how in the episode).

You need to provide Calls to Action (CTAs).

  • CTAs are opportunities for your audience to connect with you and "get more" of you through things...
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I was terrified to start my podcast: Resistance, Ego, Failure and Podfading


In this episode, I detail how terrified I was to start the Business Fabulous podcast. It was the hardest thing I've ever done and I experienced a lot of anxiety, including resistance, ego, failure, and podfading. 

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

Resistance: The refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

Ego: The part inside of you that "keeps you safe" and keeps you away from harm, fear, and failure.

Podfading: When someone's podcast disappears because they've quit. When a person stops producing episodes for their podcast, they have "podfaded."

  • When someone is about to grow personally and/or professionally, they will often experience resistance.
  • I experienced many symptoms of resistance in the months before I was able to start my podcast including anxiety, chest pains, sweating, increased periods of being distracted, less ability to focus, and procrastination.
  • To...
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