How to use your brand story to increase your online visibility and grow your business

In this episode, I detail how you can use your brand story to increase your online visibility, get seen and heard and rise above the noise on social media, and grow your business

Remember to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to grow your business here or monetize your podcast here.

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

  • Remember to go back and re-read your brand story first! Look for keywords in it---you can use these later in your social media post and sales page copy! If you don't see keywords in your brand story, edit it a bit using keywords.
  • Your brand story will be repeated, in some way, again and again for the life of your business.
  • It needs to appear on your homepage, all sales pages, checkout pages, on your courses, and all products, programs, and services you offer
  • When folks come to your website, meet you or see your social media posts, they should easily be able to determine: Who you are, What...
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How to create a brand story that will increase your online visibility and grow your business

Noe: This week on the Business Fabulous Podcast, we explain how to create a brand story that will increase your online visibility and grow your business.

In this episode, you will learn what a brand story is and how to create one. We discuss:

  • What is a brand story?
  • Is there one specific way to create a brand story?
  • What do I need to include in my brand story?
  • Is my brand story only used to attract new clients?
  • Why do people buy from you?
  • Should my brand story be a certain length?

This week's CHALLENGE: Create your own brand story and email it to me at [email protected].  I'd love to read it and will even provide some help if you'd like. Your brand story is something you'll tell over and over in your business and it's really important for it to be clear.

Are you ready for more business success?  Listen here.

If you enjoy this week's podcast episode, I'd love it if you would do a few things:

1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, ...

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