Personal and professional growth lessons from online business mentors

“I really want you to look at, listen to, read, and study the content from online business and marketing people because, I'm telling you, you're going to learn so much more and grow so much more personally and professionally by studying them.  There are clues to your success in them.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Jim Rohn said, “Success leaves clues” and that is such an important lesson. In this episode, I explain how to find and use clues that successful online business and marketing mentors leave in their content. These lessons are everywhere. EVERY DAY.

Whether you're on Instagram, Clubhouse, Twitter, Facebook or Tik Tok, you can see how your mentors are using the platforms and how they're sharing their valuable information. I think it's important to not only look at what they're doing but also HOW they're doing it. Study your favorite online business mentors, they all have this in common and really listening for how they got where they are today can...

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